On Living in Alaska
WARNING: This could offend those that love living here. We've lived here just over six years. Do I love it here? Nope. Will I ever? Nope. Let me clarify, I don't hate it here, but I'm not staying for life. I know there are millions of people watching reality tv shows, itching to live the "Alaskan Dream", but let me tell you there is a HUGE difference between dreaming about living it and actually doing it. Since we've been here we've seen a lot of people move in and move out, less than a year later. People up here tell stories about newcomers and those that can't hack it here. There's the guy who sold his motorcycle because he heard there were no roads in the Interior. There's the one about the couple who didn't realize it got so dark for so long here in the winter. There's the wife that wouldn't move here because it's too far to do any "real" shopping. And there's a zillion stories about the people ...