Currently October 2016 Part 2

The Porch Postscript - Currently

Struggling with:
  • My Weight - Yes, I'm opening that door.  I started this battle, and yes I see it as a battle, in January.  It's  now October and I've yo-yoed my way to a total loss of 7.6 pounds.  Hubby and I are working on this together, and I think many days that's the only thing keeps me going.  I will continue to move through this battle and move toward my goal.  I will also accept that there will be bad days and maybe even bad weeks.  

Blogs I'm Loving:

  • The Healthy Maven - I read this post first, which hooked me, and then this morning I read her post about Knowing Your Value.  Loving this blog.  Lots of foodie goodness, but also a good bit of real life too.  
  • Shutterbean - I stated following Tracy when I first started writing my own blog in 2008.  I love her recipes, her photography and her unapologetic writing style.  You know if I've been reading for eight years, and I'm still reading, she's got it going on.

Recipes I Need to Try:

Happening in the Studio:

  • I'm listing my original art in My Etsy Shop.  This is a big one for me.  I'm putting my art out there in the world, not just handing it to people I know as a special gift.  
  • I'm spending more time sketching, what an amazing stress reliever this has been the past couple of weeks. 
The Porch Postscript - Currently

  • InkTober, yeah, about that.  I did really good for the first 13 days, I'm officially behind four days.  What's more is I don't care.  It's been fun, I've been drawing daily, but it's all been on works in progress, not a daily drawing.

What's on My Mind:

  • Black and white photography has been a reoccurring thought traveling through my mind lately. I need to take more black and white photos.  I love the story they tell when the color isn't there to guide the eye and tell the brain what to imagine.
The Porch Postscript - Currently

  • I've been questioning myself, wondering what happened to the 11 years I spent devouring everything foodie I could read.  As of late, I don't even feel the pull to cook, let alone read about food.  Did I burn myself out, or has this been a result of the constant challenge of trying to find ingredients in this remote part of the world?

Goals this Week:

  • Be kinder to myself.  Focus on where I am and go from there.  
  • Journal more, write more.
  • Focus on self-care and letting go.
