
Showing posts with the label Photography

There's a New Camera on The Horizon

I've only talked about getting a new camera for what seems like a decade.  Yesterday I finally splurged on my first large-format camera.  I also purchased a super zoom lens that I can not wait to get my hands on for wildlife photography.  So what did I buy and why... Nikon Z5 Mirroless ( ) I bought a Nikon Z5 Mirrorless Camera, a 24mm to 400mm super zoom lens, and the Nikon Mount Adapter.  The adapter will enable me to continue to use my F-mount lenses on the new Z-mount large-format camera.   I've been shooting with Nikon since the early 2000s and getting another one was a no-brainer.  In some aspects, camera people are like car people.  You're a Nikon, Cannon, Fugi, etc. just like there are Ford, Dodge, or Chevy people.  Why mirrorless?  I've been watching mirrorless cameras since they came out a few years ago.  The prospect of a lighter camera with lens options has intrigued me from the start, but when they first came...

Drawing and Painting Home

Home is and always will be Wyoming.  Home is not really about the town I was born in, but more about the state where I spent the first nearly three decades of my life.  I'll always be a Wyoming girl no matter where I live.  At this point in my life when I talk about going home, I'm referring to my brother's ranch, that's home.  My heart is there, my family is there. I've always loved taking photos at the ranch, and when we were home for Mom's memorial it was no different than all the other trips.  Spend a little time here and you'll also learn I have an infatuation or maybe even an obsession with trees, and the ranch has many old cottonwoods and cedars to make my little dendrophile heart.   One afternoon Hubby and I were sitting in the yard listening to the birds and talking about family and what's next in our lives.  I kept studying the same tree.  Eventually, I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick pic.  I mentioned to him that I wan...

The Station on Old Highway 13

The Station On Old Highway 13 July 2008 “Fill ‘er up Joe” echoes in my ears, as I pass by on my bike. I wonder was it really full service back in its glory days? Would “Joe” really have pumped gas, checked the oil, and washed the windows, all while spouting town gossip? Mismatched boards cover the windows of the little white service station on Old Highway 13. There’s a for sale sign in front and a tarp covers what was most likely the garage door. White paint peels from the trim, but you can almost hear the ding of the service bell, as the next customer pulls in. The awning, still supported by two stone pillars, would have kept “Joe” dry, as he serviced your car in the Missouri spring rain. White gravel still paves the circular drive, in spite of the weeds that have begun to push their way through. Highway 13 may have a new route and “Joe” is no longer there to service your car, but the station remains, as a reminder that travelers once passed this way.

Traveling Home February 2019

We spent the last week traveling home.  This was more whirlwind duty trip than pleasure, but it's always good to see family and friends. I always over pack.  I need to work harder on packing less, way less. Drinks in the airport bar before departing is kind of a tradition. We ate at one of our old favorites when we made it to Fort Collins, CO.  Love the Charco Broiler. Could skip the peanut butter pie. I've always loved this statue that is outside the front door. Had our obligatory Taco Johns stop in Rawlins, WY. We saw more snow in Wyoming than we've seen in Alaska all winter. We drove on some slushy slick roads with some blowing snow. The sunrise at my Mom's house is always so stunning. Spent a bit of time sketching while we were gone. Journaling on the go. One of the bronze statues in our hometown. Second lunch. Second Taco John's meal.  Ate it in the car.  Don't judge. One more...

100 Days of Photos - Week 4 - The End

I can hear my friend Amy calling me a rebel as I write this.  I really can't make myself do anything that  doesn't make my heart sing.  I made is 24 days into a 100-day project.  Let me just point out that I need to stop trying these things.  I NEVER complete any of them.  I didn't complete Inktober a couple of years ago.  I failed at the 30-day color challenge... and now this.  I must stop!  So here they are the last few shots that took us to day 24. Day 21 : Selfie, no makeup, and messy hair. Day 22 : Kitten paw. Day 23 : Lemon Kitty. Day 24 : Dinner.  Eating my stress with mac n cheese and fries with a glass of red wine. The End.

100 Days of Photos - Week 3

Day 14: I'm a daily journaler, usually at the end when I crawl into bed. Day 15: Feet up and hair down, end of the day. Day 16: Morning view, with green tea and more journaling. Day 17: My favorite pen, goes everywhere my Midori Traveler's Notebook does. Day 18: Indian for lunch. Day 19: Historic brick of tea, from an exhibit at the Museum of the North in Fairbanks, AK. Day 20: Knitting in the car.  Only 80 more days to go!

100 Days of Photos - Week 2

Here we are in week two!  Here's hoping I can keep the momentum going in week three. Day 7: I have a small thimble collection, that I've had for years.  I have a few vintage one and some wooden ones with a smattering of ones my mom gave me. Day 8: This ring brought together two special pieces to capture some sacred memories.  On the left a piece of sea glass from our honeymoon and on the right the original garnet from my engagement ring.  Made by Meg Jewelry created this custom piece and I wear it nearly every day. Day 9: Is there really any better way to eat peanut butter than straight from the jar? Day 10: Adding to my essential oils collection.  I recently singed up for the Recipe Box from Simply Earth .  Each box includes a few essential oils, recipes and everything you need to make the recipes they include. Day 11: Friday night drink after a long week.  Don't judge I work around teenagers. Day 12: Saturday Night ...

Spring Refresh

Good morning.  Are you sitting down?  Do you have a good cup of coffee?  I hope so because this is gonna be a little long and maybe a little deep. I know it's been months since I wrote a post, and I'll be honest, I'm not gonna apologize.  I've been working on some personal growth. At the beginning of the year, I did something I've never done, I picked a phrase to lead me through the year - "Inward Acceptance."  When I picked this phrase I really didn't think it would impact my life that much.  I was wrong.  It's five months later and I'm in such a different place.  I've been exploring a lot of things, so of which are a bit more personal than I want to share here, but good things have happened and are continuing to happen. I dropped a lot of things and opened myself to my own talents and started telling the world I'm an artist.  This was a HUGE step for me.  I've spent several months drawing, painting and working on things, ...

Cabin in the Snow

How's the weather there?  The cold is starting to settle in.  It was below zero for a few days in a row.  Snow on the ground, cars plugged in, people nestled in cozy houses.  Winter has finally arrived in Alaska.  Today the wind has picked up and will blow away much of the powdery snow. The past couple of years we've had "mild" winters.  Temps dipping down to 20 or 30 below, but never staying there very long.  Limited snowfall, mostly of the dry powdery variety.  We haven't seen a really cold "traditional" winter since 2012 when we moved to Alaska. I'm pushing myself to take more winter photographs.  For help on this journey, I'm using the Capture Your 365 photo prompts.  Sharing my perspective of the world through the lens, any lens. This shot of a cabin I pass nearly every day, on my way to work.  I've played with a few editing effects, adding the border, the snow falling, and the focal blur, along with a little col...

The Art of Living
