Currently December 2016

The flu!  Is there anything worse?  Yeah, I can't think of anything either.  I got sick over the weekend, spent most of two days in bed.  I finally feel human again, after three days!  The only upside, I lost 3.6 pounds.  It's a hell of a way to lose weight.  I'll spare the details, but this little bug sucked.  I'm thrilled it was just a few days of hell.  I'm not a good sick person, not that anyone is a good sick person, but I'm a terrible sick person.  I'm whiny, hard to be around, and unable to make decisions about anything.  I also spend a lot of time apologizing for things that I really can't control.  These are all things that are not a part of my natural personality, but we'll save that discussion for another day.

So, now that the flu is over where do I go from here?  Moving past the flu, I've added a couple of new blogs to my reading list:

  • Against All Grain - really inspiring to me, as of late I've been giving a lot of thought to cutting back on the amount of bread/carbs/gluten I consume.  Ok, let's be honest, I've been considering changing a lot of things about my diet, but I need to pick one thing to start with and go from there.  I just can't do a complete revamp/purge.  This blog has some great recipes that are easy to make and sound delicious, a healthy place for me to start.
  • Love, Laugh, Leap! - I stumbled upon this blog through my Facebook feed this morning.  If you'd like to read about living off-grid in Alaska this could be a good fit for you.  I started with the Dutch Oven post, which isn't my typical kind of blog reading, but I like her style.  I'll follow along for a while and see where her writing takes me.  
In other thoughts and things.  I've been trying to do a photo a day, following the Capture Your 365 Photo Prompts.  Photo a day, was totally doable when I set my mind to it before getting sick.  Using the prompts, not so much.  I think I'm starting to see a pattern here.  I've tried about three other "prompt based" daily things and I quit all of them.  Can we just say prompts aren't for me?

What's happening on your end?  Hopefully, you don't have and won't get the flu.  Are you ready for the holidays?
