
Showing posts with the label Reflections

3 Thought Provoking Quotes

Our everyday lives are so full of negative.  We're conditioned to focus on the negative, the can't, the not enough.  Think about it.  You're standing in line at the store, reading the magazine covers - Lose 30 pounds fast, Look younger, Look sexy now.  What does this do?  It paints the picture that you, as you are, isn't enough. The news media spends most of their time focusing the stories that talk about a torn world; if it bleeds, it leads.  There's political mudslinging on the TV and radio.  Don't even get me started on the condescending, mean memes on social media. I've been fighting my own battle in my head, focused too much on how hard it is to make the changes that I need to make to get to where I want to go.  Over the past couple of weeks, the universe has been dropping some subtle messages, which I've been hearing, but not listening too.  These are the quotes that I heard, but silently left standing on their own.   I found the foll

Embracing My Love of Pen & Ink

Let's go way back into the halls of a Junior High School in the wilds of Wyoming.  I took one art class in seventh, or maybe it was eighth grade.  One, yes just one.  I honestly can't tell you why I didn't do more as I went into High School, but I didn't, High School is where I fell in love with photography, a story for another day.  I doodled on the side always but found other ways to express my creativity and left drawing behind. Fast forward to somewhere around two years ago, I picked up this book about zentangling.  I pulled out a sketch pad and dug out a few nice pens from my art stash, along with a fountain pen from Hubby's stash.  While I did do quite a bit of doodling and playing, but never really caught the zentangle fever.  The book ended up on a shelf in my studio.  I was never going to be a zentangle guru.  It did, however, inspire me to start drawing again. Playing with pattern ideas The spark really began to glow when I created the "