Embracing My Love of Pen & Ink
Let's go way back into the halls of a Junior High School in the wilds of Wyoming. I took one art class in seventh, or maybe it was eighth grade. One, yes just one. I honestly can't tell you why I didn't do more as I went into High School, but I didn't, High School is where I fell in love with photography, a story for another day. I doodled on the side always but found other ways to express my creativity and left drawing behind. Fast forward to somewhere around two years ago, I picked up this book about zentangling. I pulled out a sketch pad and dug out a few nice pens from my art stash, along with a fountain pen from Hubby's stash. While I did do quite a bit of doodling and playing, but never really caught the zentangle fever. The book ended up on a shelf in my studio. I was never going to be a zentangle guru. It did, however, inspire me to start drawing again. Playing with pattern ideas The spark really began to glow when I created the "